Obshestvo IRAS- Liaison Office to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel

RHIO (PMOH)-Russian Heritage Intl Org. Moscow - Jerusalem Holy Land Center - Центр Святой Земли Иерусалим
Obshestvo IRAS -- RKC - RCC Tel Aviv - Liaison

Общество ИРАС - международное Российское общество литературы иискусства
"для России, искусства и мира - Serving Russia, the Arts and Peace"

Gil Pahl - Tel 052-6660803 - Irene Yavchunovsky - Tel 050-3011394
email: israel@obshestvo-iras.org

Russian Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation
to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Head of the RKC-RCC in Tel Aviv : His Excellency, Director Dr. Alexander Kryukov
Admin: Manager : Vera Yedidya - Ext.104 / Secretary : Julia - Ext. 101

web-address: israel.rusintercenter.ru

Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv  www.israel.mid.ru

RKC - RCC Tel Aviv - May 2009 - Program


  • Yaffo Stories and Photo Exhibition , Tuesday - 26 May 2009 at 17:00

  • A Month of Victory Day celebrations
    a special evening on Monday, 04 May 2009 at 18:00 opens celebrations in Israel

    9th May - Victory Day - Red Army Forest *** 16 May - ex-Arab-USSR students celebrate V-Day in Nazareth

  • 4 May V-Day Exhibition
    64th Anniversary
    Saint War

  • 8-May Memorial
    9th May V-Day War Veterans
    Red Army Forest

  • 9th May - 64th Victory Day ceremony
    Red Army Forest
    near Jerusalem
  • 12-May Special Musical delightful evening
    Irina Mauler and Guests

  • 17 May - Leningrad Blokaders celebrate V-Day

  • 19-5 "200 Years Gogol"
    Exhibition at the RKC-Tel Aviv

  • 21-5 Happy Birthday Ephraim Bauch
    special evening

  • 25-May New Russian Textbook
    for immigrant children

  • 27 May - Haifa Evening - Yaffo Stories in Hebrew and Russian

  • 30-May Ashkelon Vernissage

  • Sovetskoe_Istoricheskoe_Obshestvo

    The Sacred War - Священная война - Svyaschennaya voina
    Background Music: Saintwar - download in progress - please wait ....

    English Version of this Patriotic Song:

    Arise huge country arise to the mortal fight
    With the dark fascist force with the damned horde
    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a national holy war
    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a people's holy war

    We shall repulse the suffocaters of all ardent ideas
    Those tyrants, robbers, torturers of peoples
    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a people's holy war
    The dark wings dare not fly over our native land
    The enemy dare not trample her spacious fields

    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a people's holy war
    The rotten fascist unclean
    We will drive out with a bullet to the forehead
    United with mankind we will hammer out a mighty coffin

    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a people's holy war
    Let noble fury boil up in a wave
    There is a people's holy war

    SUHIS CCCP - USSR - Soviet Union Historical Society - Israel - POB 26065 - Tel Aviv 61260 - Israel


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    All rights reserved - 2004 - 2009 - Russian Federation - CIS - e-mail:webmaster@obshestvo-iras.org