PMOH - PYCHAC - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва * Санкт-Петербург - RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org - Moscow * Saint Petersburg
Moscow * St.Petersburg
PMOH - Obshestvo IRAS  РКЦ-Russiskoe_Kultur_Centr_ve_Tel_Aviv  RCC Tel Aviv - Liaison
международное Российское общество литературы и искусства за границей
Representation of the International Russian Literature & Art Society in Israel

"для России, искусства и мира - Serving Russia, the Arts and Peace"

Общество ИРАС
Здравствуйте - مرحبا - שלום

Welcome to the PMOH - Obshestvo IRAS Liaison Office
to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

We provide voluntary assistance to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv as well as to the Writers, Artists and Veterans connected with the center.

We promote your art or publications in English,Russian and Hebrew via the internet through our various web-sites.

PMOH-Obshestvo IRAS in Israel & IRAP - The Israeli-Russian Art Promotions web-sites cover the exhibitions and other art activities,announcements,invitations,press-releases,statements you may wish to inform the media and the art community about.

SUHIS - CCCP - Soviet Union Historical Society - Israel Branch assists with internet publications of the various war veterans activities in Israel in close coordination with the Representation of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel.

You can contact us any time for assistance !
Your PMOH - Obshestvo IRAS Israel Liaison Team

Gil Gennady Pahl-Vishnevsky
Tel 054-4605497

Irene Yavchunovsky
Tel 050-3011394

email:  -

We are moving !

Important - this page is located on the main site and has been discontinued

As of 1 Jan 2012 only our NEW LIAISON SITE will be updated on a daily basis.

Representation of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv :
His Excellency, Director Dr. Alexander Kryukov
Assistant Head of Mission : Denis Parkhomchuk

Admin: Manager : Vera Yedidya - Ext.104 / Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

   Russian Embassy Tel Aviv     РКЦ-RCC web-site:
   His_Excellency_Dr.Alexander_Kryukov_Director_РКЦ-RCC_in_Tel_Aviv   РКЦ-RCC_Staff_in_Tel_Aviv

"Russia will always be a part of our Being, where-ever we are! - She will never forget us, nor will we ever forget her"  PMOH - RHIO   Moscow,Russian Federation - June 2004

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eXTReMe Tracker

update: 31 December 2011
      NEW_SITE   Old 2005 Site

Important - this page is located on the main site and has been discontinued

As of 1 Jan 2012 only our NEW LIAISON SITE will be updated on a daily basis.

Webmaster: hgp-pro-internet publishing - terra sancta for Obshestvo-IRAS Media - Internet Publishing - Moscow - Russian Federation
All rights reserved - 2004 - 2011 -
Disclaimer: No responsibility assumed for external links contents !

PMOH - RHIO - Obshestvo IRAS- Liaison Office to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
