RHIO-Russian Heritage International Org. Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem
PMOH-Russkie Mezhdunarodnie Obshestvo Nasledie

Obshestvo IRAS -- RKC - RCC Tel Aviv - Liaison
Gil Pahl - Tel 054-4605497 - Irene Yavchunovsky - Tel 050-3011394
e-mail: info@obshestvo-iras.org

Head of the RKC-RCC in Tel Aviv : His Excellency, Director Dr. Alexander Kryukov
Admin: Manager : Vera Yedidya - Ext.104 / Secretary : Julia - Ext. 102

15th May - War Veterans Reception at the RCC in Tel Aviv

Victory Day Celebration in Russian Cultural Center

Victory Day Celebration in Russian Cultural Center

May - the last spring month, is the month when we memorize the Great Victory of the Soviet Union and the countries of anti Hitler coalition over fascists' Germany. The series of events were held in RCC to commemorate Victory Day, among them, holiday reception and celebration evening party devoted to the 63rd anniversary of the Second World War Victory.

Veterans – the heroes of the Second World War, decorated with combat awards, came to the Center at that day. They presented Israeli Union of warriors and partisans – invalids of the War with Nazism.

The senior referent on cultural programs Vera Yedidia warmly welcomed the War participants on behalf of Center's administration and the staff; she wished them health and long life. The vice chairman of the Union of the Second World War Veterans-invalids Zaveliy Klainer expressed the thought, widely supported in Israel, that without the Victory of 1945 the foundation of the State of Israel, whose 60-s anniversary we also celebrated at those days, would not had been declared in 1948.

After that the concert took place. Veterans, mainly the members of art studio "Fenics", recited poems sang songs of the War period, so close and loved by old generation. Famous musical compositions and songs were being performed.

One of them was a very popular song "The Cranes"(music - Yan Frenkel, lyrics - Rasul Gamzatov), devoted to all the soldiers who passed away in the wars:




Расул Гамзатов

Ян Френкель


Мне кажется порою, что солдаты,

С кровавых не пришедшие полей,

Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,

А превратились в белых журавлей.


Они до сей поры, с времен тех давних,

Летят и подают нам голоса.

Не потому ль так часто и печально

Мы замолкаем, глядя в небеса?


Летит, летит по небу клин усталый,

Летит в тумане на исходе дня.

И в том строю есть промежуток малый.

Быть может, это место для меня.


Настанет день и с журавлиной стаей

Я поплыву в такой же сизой мгле,

Из-под небес по-птичьи окликая

Всех вас, кого оставил на земле.


רסול גמזטוב

יאן פרנקל


נדמה לי, חיילים שלא הגיעו,

שלא חזרו הביתה מקרבות,

הם לא נפלו על אדמה – הופיעו

כציפורים שקטות ולבנות.


מאז ועד היום הם בשמיים,

בין עננים בתור העגורים.

ואנו מרימים את העניים,

כי שוב שומעים קולות של חיילים.


מעל שדות, כפרים, הרים והלאה

עף משולש עייף בתום היום.

ולפעמים, כשמסתכלים למעלה,

רואים – בין ציפורים נשאר מקום.


יגיע יום, אפרוס את הכנפיים,

ואצטרף לחיל העגורים.

וגם אני אקרא מן השמיים

לאלה שלמעלה מסתכלים.

translation: Irene Yavchunovsky - IRAS Director Affiliate Liaison & Joint-Ventures, Haifa