PMOH-PYCHAC-RUSNAS.ORG - RHIO  - Russian Heritage International Org - Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Berlin - Jerusalem

PMOH - Oбщество   ИРАС
PMOH-общество-ирас - Obshestvo IRAS - International Russian Cultural & Art Societies - Russia - CIS - FSU and Abroad
International Russian Cultural & Art Societies - Russia - CIS - FSU and Abroad

" для России, искусства и мира - Serving Russia, the Arts and Peace "


PMOH-PYCHAC-RUSNAS.ORG - RHIO -The Russian Heritage International Organization was established in June 2004 in Moscow - Russia for the promotion of Russian Art and Culture, and serves as a parent organization for the various Cultural,Historical, Art and Literature Divisions and Organizations, both in Russia - CIS and Abroad,which includes various liaison and partnerships to Russian Cultural and Artistic Organizations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland,France,Great Britain, Italy,Israel and other diverse locations.

For its main divisions and organizational structure review the overview - here

Obshestvo IRAS was founded 15 December 2005 in Moscow - Russia and Tel Aviv - Israel by Russian Compatriot Artists as a Non-Profit, Non-Government Volunteer Organization which was integrated into the PMOH-PYCHAC-RUSNAS.ORG .

In June 2008 Obshestvo IRAS - the Israeli-Russian Art Society, had outgrown its original goals and was reorganized.
Today IRAS - Israel is the local PMOH-IRAS Representation in Israel, with its Headoffice in Moscow - Russia.
Obshestvo IRAS was renamed "International Russian Literature & Art Society" to better reflect its Russian origins and activities both in Russia, the CIS - FSU and Abroad.
Obshestvo IRAS is our Umbrella Org. for Russian Artists and Art in Russia - CIS - FSU and Abroad - Promoting Russian Culture and Art performances and exhibitions in Russia - CIS - FSU and internationally (see also our mission statement)

Obshestvo IRAS maintains close relations and liaisons with other art societies and organizations and encourages partnerships and guest performances in Russia – CIS - FSU and overseas,through local,regional and international liaison offices and teams.

amendment - 10 March 2012
PMOH-Obshestvo IRAS has been reorganized,restructured and renamed : International Russian Cultural & Art Societies to reflect more accurately its expanded scope of operation and responsibilities since the last change almost 4 years ago .
The reorganization now combines the functions previously performed by RIAS as Art and Cultural Umbrella Org.

PMOH-IRAS has become the main administrator for the parent organization PMOH-RUSNAS.ORG which has expanded its scope of activities in the artistical and cultural spheres and acts as main liaison for Russian Institutions at home and abroad,closely coordinating its activities .

The organizational structure includes an administrative, managerial board as well as art events organizing PR teams: the VVS - Valerie Vishnevskaya Society - Imperial-Russia 1868 - VVS Art Salons - Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and its Israeli counter-part : IRAP - Israeli-Russian Art Promotions - Tel Aviv.

General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is held annually each June for 2 days in various locations.
Previous GA's were held in Israel - Russia - Germany.
This years 8th GA was held in Berlin, Germany from June 27 -28, 2012 . Next years 9th GA will be held in Jerusalem, June 24 - 25, 2013.

Our professional teams develop /strengthen our multi-media ties, keep direct contacts with large immigrant and potential local audiences both in Russia-CIS and abroad, engage in extensive PR work and launch effective campaigns for domestic and international performances, ensuring maxium artistical exposure and success.
We publish in four languages : Russian – English - German - Hebrew.

Mode of Operation:

Obshestvo IRAS plans / coordinates performances with interested local / regional and international establishments and institutions

IRAS takes care of the PR work and advertising and seeks sponsorships to cover the costs of its activities .
Artists will be hired and paid solely by the organizers.

Sponsors will usually cover advertising production, communication and auditorium rental costs, thus paying directly to the vendors.

Общество ИРАС - Aдминистрация

Affiliations - Joint Ventures - Partnerships:

  • VVS (OBB) - Valerie Vishnevskaya Society - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Russian Federation

  • IRCC - Israel-Russia & CIS Chamber of Commerce Tel Aviv-Moscow

  • RKC-RCC - Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - IRAS Israel liaison

  • ERA IZDAT - Moscow - Russian Federation

  • DETKI-74.RU - Chelyabinsk - Russian Federation

    IRAS Team members email / contact information

    Internet :

  • PMOH-Obshestvo IRAS - MOSCOW





  • e-mail :


  • Obshestvo-IRAS_Mission-Statement

    eXTReMe Tracker
    update: 15 September 2012